Queensway Mark Double Advancement
Queensway Mark 1331 held an emergency meeting on Friday 23rd January 2015 to admit two new Mark Masons.
The occasion was further enhanced by the presence of the RW Provincial Grand Master, Peter Connolly accompanied by Michael Clarke, Asst. PGM, Eric Drinkwater, Special Rep, the two Provincial Grand Wardens, Arthur Robinson and Tony Farrar, Steve Walls, Grand ADC, Mike Beesley, Grand Steward and other Grand Officers, all of whom were kept on order by the Provincial DC Dave Emmerson along with Provincial Deacons Ray Pye and Ian Welsh. Barry Fisher acted as Sword Bearer.
Norman Stringfellow, PGSD, James Warren, Dave Richards,P.Prov.GJW, Peter Connolly, PGM,  
Martin Richards, Dave Emmerson, PAGDC, PR DC and Eric Drinkwater PGJO, Special Representative.
Sadly the Worshipful Master, was unable to attend due a health problem with his wife.
Mike Beesley, G. Stwd, James Warren, Dave Richards, P.Prov.GJW, Martin Richards and Steve Walls, AGDC
The Lodge Secretary, Dave Richards, needed no encouragement, and occupied the Masters chair to oversee the proceedings. Then all became clear, the candidates were two good friends, one of which was Dave’s son Martin. The other James Warren has been Martins friend for years.
Arthur Robinson, Prov. GSW, James Warren, Dave Richards, P.Prov. GJW,
Martin Richards and Tony Farrar, Prov. GJW
The Master invited the PGM to occupy the role of Senior Deacon and Dave Emmerson to be Junior Deacon and the Ceremony began. After the first section of the Advancement ceremony Dave invited W.Bro. Norman Stringfellow to occupy the Masters Chair and the ceremony continued in true Mark traditions with Norman delivering an exemplar performance, those in the room who had seen it all before were in awe, the candidates must have been impressed.
At the conclusion Dave was honoured to be the first to greet the two new brethren, quickly followed by Norman and the PGM.
The lodge was quickly closed and those assembled transferred their attentions to the festive board which was the usual high standard at Prescot.
A raffle was held to raise monies for the Fun Day, (27th June) and the Mark Children’s Christmas Party. A magnificent £111.00 was raised, no none of the visitors won the prize! ‘Such is Life’.

Article courtesy of Mike Beesley, Photographs courtesy of Tony Farrar.